Full Field
Make the most of the data at your disposal, determining optimal placement for Well Pad Sites, Pipeline Gathering Systems, and Access in your area of choice.
Integrated Geomancy makes tailoring the process used for planning assets to your resources, yearly outlook, and budget easier than ever before. Discover the approaches your team can take now.
The project model on which analysis is based can include as many supplemental datasets and constraints as your team wishes to include. Enhance optimization results by exploring which variables are most often used.
Customize placement, settings, and variables necessary for optimizing Well Pad Site locations. Explore ways this asset can be modeled based on the lease boundary in play.
Generating multiple route options instead of a single view allows for more effective and flexible optimization for assets found in the field, including Pipeline Gathering Systems and Access Roads alike.
Optimizing a Full Field solution does not have to be one-size-fits-all. Robust analysis tools within Integrated Geomancy allow companies to vary the planning process, choosing from developing a field through Standard Optimization, Backcasting Development, or Forecast Installments. In turn, these unique approaches and their ability to break network construction into more manageable phases encourages teams to pay close attention to the budget and resources assigned to the project at hand.
In the examples below, pipeline segments in white show those assets to be constructed in the first phase of development. Other pipeline segments highlighted in darker colors (e.g., pinks, purples, blues) indicate the option to develop in a future phase. Notice how the division of these sectors - and often even the route taken - differs based on the approach.
Learn more about these processes in the Planning Process.
In order to design a system that best reflects the area, it is encouraged to include as much data in the project model as possible. Adding input data that represents constraints on the area - such as local hydrological zones, recreational and populated areas, and even areas that have been deemed completely off-limits to construction for whatever reason - means that Integrated Geomancy can analyze every square inch of the surface just as your team would during a normal planning process.
In order for the Integrated Geomancy toolkit to optimize the locations of assets, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) must be provided. This data, alongside any supplemental data and constraints, allows the toolkit to determine the best placements for assets like Well Pad Sites and Pipeline Gathering Systems.
Ensure the environment in which your company is working is properly modeled, adding in features that represent rivers, streams, lakes, and general bodies of water within the area that asset may need to be built around.
Generated by the Integrated Geomancy toolkit, this surface acts as a helpful reference for where construction can and cannot occur based on the data included in the model.
There are often areas where Well Pad Sites, Pipeline Gathering Systems, and other assets cannot be built for reasons involving anthropogenic, environmental, political, or other concerns. These are referred to in the model as No-Go areas and may be decided upon your team as you see fit.
Produced by the application alongside the Constructability Surface, this solution offers a reference for those input datasets that have the most impact on the overall constructability of the area in which your team is working.
Develop a model as close to reality as possible by adding supplemental data that represents the surrounding surface. Attributes like land use, land cover, surface depth, and more help the toolkit to discover the most appropriate locations for new assets.
Determine the optimal locations of Well Pad Sites, customizing the way they are placed in relation to the lease boundary, the number of pads on the site, and settings used for associated laterals.
Optimize Well Pad Site locations, placing these pads on the lease only.
Place Well Pad Sites by determining their location off lease and near the lease boundary.
Identify potential placements of Well Pad Sites on and off lease with dog-leg severity used to determine the maximum horizontal offset for the asset.
One of the greatest values of the Integrated Geomancy application is its ability to produce multiple options for Pipeline Gathering Systems, Transmission Pipelines, and/or Access Roads as opposed to a single possibility. Results produced by the toolkit allow your team to navigate the area, finding alternate routes for assets where obstacles lie.
The most optimal route for the Pipeline Gathering System and Well Pad Site locations based on the elevation and surrounding area is shown for the given region being studied.
For instances where the Pipeline Gathering System route may need redirecting, an alternate route that would be suitable for development is shown. This option for routing differs only slightly in select area from the original corridor.